Grave Deed - James Lewis Crisp
Title Deed to the family grave in St Pancras Cemetery, Finchley
The cited information was sourced from Deed published on October 13th, 1883 <
\\Nasc68dc7\genealogy\Sources\Birth-Death-Marriage\GraveDeedsJamesLewisCrisp.jpg> (Ref: 2972) This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.
Deed lists 4 persons buried here.
Source Notes
Grave is 1st Chapel ground, #54. 134 (depth 10ft) in the St Pancras Cemetery (now part of the Islington Cemetery), Parish of Finchley, County of MIddlesex. James paid £3 and 3 shillings for it.
Other notes on the back of the deed show:
28 April 1884, 9ft;
Nov 21 1890, 7ft;
April 12 1915, 6ft;
room for child only.
Other notes on the front state: "George James Crisp, buried Oct 22 1883"