- A - (7 Families, 13 Individuals)
Abbott (1), Allen (1), Andrews (1), Angell (1), Apelt (1), Apostolaki (3), Armstrong (5)
- B - (38 Families, 338 Individuals)
Bagely (9), Baily (1), Baker (1), Balderson (2), Balkwell (1), Ball (1), Baptie (1), Barber (1), Barker (150), Barlow (2), Barratt (1), Barrett (1), Bartlett (1), Bates (1), Beier (23), Bell (4), Berlin (2), Berridge (1), Berry (4), Bertwhistle (5), Bieber (3), Biehler (4), Birch (1), Bird (1), Board (1), Bogda (1), Bond (4), Bowen (1), Bowman (1), Bown (2), Brackpool (1), Bradford (1), Brazier (1), Breusch (99), Brown (2), Bryant (1), Buglar (1), Burrell (1)
- C - (21 Families, 84 Individuals)
Carlson (3), Carrick (2), Chacko (1), Challis (1), Chambers (12), Chapman (8), Charlesworth (1), Chemister (7), Christensen (2), Claydon (5), Codd (2), Collins (1), Cook (5), Coomer (5), Cooper (5), Cowell (2), Crawford (1), Crisp (10), Crossley (3), Cullum (6), Curnow (2)
- D - (8 Families, 21 Individuals)
Davies (5), Davis (7), Dawson (1), Deuleran (1), Dobson (2), Donaldson (1), Doolan (3), Dreves (1)
- E - (3 Families, 13 Individuals)
Ellis (10), Emmitt (1), Evans (2)
- F - (9 Families, 33 Individuals)
Falcomer (1), Fitch (1), Flemming (1), Francis (8), Frear (2), Freeman (4), Freer (2), Freere (13), Freudenberg (1)
- G - (10 Families, 28 Individuals)
Gardiner (7), Geale (1), Gesch (1), Glasson (1), Goodman (2), Graham (1), Gregersen (6), Grigg (4), Grimwood_Bobby (4), Grotto (1)
- H - (22 Families, 43 Individuals)
Hamblyn (9), Hansdatter (1), Hansen (1), Hargreaves (4), Harris (1), Hart (1), Haward (1), Haycock (1), Hayman (1), Haynes (1), Henderson (2), Henry (1), Hewitt (1), Hickey (1), Hills (4), Holz (1), Holzheimer (1), Horton (5), Howard (1), Hughes (2), Humpheys (2), Humphrey (1)
- I - (3 Families, 5 Individuals)
Iland (1), ?ingst (1), Irwin-Davis (3)
- J - (7 Families, 64 Individuals)
Jacobsen (1), Jeal (54), Jeffries (1), Jensen (1), Johannersen (1), Jones (1), Jørgensen (5)
- K - (17 Families, 121 Individuals)
Kane (3), Kapper (63), Kasse (1), Kassulke (7), Kay (3), Kearney (2), Keen (1), Kemp (13), Kendal (8), Kendrick (1), Kennett (10), Kepper (2), King (1), Kinsman (1), Knight (3), Kohler (1), Krueger (1)
- L - (15 Families, 50 Individuals)
Langthorn (1), Larsen (25), Larson (1), Lawrence (1), Leirtz (3), Leonard (1), Lepsen (2), Levitt (1), Liertz (5), Ling (1), Lister (5), Lockwood (1), Long (1), Ludvigsdatter (1), Lynch (1)
- M - (26 Families, 61 Individuals)
Mackie (4), Maddock (3), Makepeace (1), Mannion (2), Marks (3), Marston (3), Martorella (4), Maybank (1), McKewen (2), McLaren (1), McMillan (3), McVinish (1), Mellor (1), Menzebach (1), Meyers (1), Michael (1), Mickan (1), Miller (5), Mizen (2), Mockkelsen (6), Montague (1), Moore (1), Morris (8), Moyle (1), Mundt (1), Murray (3)
- N - (11 Families, 24 Individuals)
Naupt (1), Neggus (3), Neilson (3), Nelson (1), Neumann (1), Newhall (7), Newley (1), Newman (3), Newton (2), Niedermeiser (1), Nielsen (1)
- O - (6 Families, 10 Individuals)
O'Connor (1), Odell (5), Ogden (1), Oledatter (1), Olivier (1), Olsen (1)
- P - (19 Families, 70 Individuals)
Palmer (1), Park (15), Parker (2), Parsons (4), Patch (1), Patrick (1), Pattison (1), Pavit (1), Pearson (1), Pedersdatter (1), Perkins (12), Peters (3), Petheram (1), Philp (1), Pollendine (18), Poulter (2), Poulterd (1), Pratt (1), Pullen (3)
- R - (14 Families, 34 Individuals)
Ramage (1), Rasmussen (2), Read (3), Reed (7), Reid (1), Reinhott (5), Rhodes (1), Richardson (3), Rieling (1), Rostirolla (1), Roy (1), Rumming (1), Ruse (5), Ryan (2)
- S - (33 Families, 145 Individuals)
Sargent (8), Sauer (1), Saunders (3), Savill (1), Schelberg (1), Schellback (1), Schneider (2), Schüler (1), Schwarz (3), Sellick (1), Sengstock (2), Settree (1), Sherlog (1), Siersen (1), Simmons (1), Simms (2), Simons (12), Sinclair (2), Smith (12), Sneddon (1), Sørensen (2), Staier (26), Staples (1), Steed (15), Stefanac (1), Stegmann (1), Steiner (3), Stephenson (3), Stock (2), Stone (31), Streeter (1), Stubbing (1), Stubbings (1)
- T - (14 Families, 38 Individuals)
Tallon (1), Tattan (1), Tatton (1), Taylor (2), Thackaburrey (4), Theake (1), Thiversdatter (2), Thomas (9), Thompson (1), Thwaites (1), Tigwell (2), Troe (3), Turnbull (3), Turner (7)
- U - (1 Family, 11 Individuals)
Ussher (11)
- V - (1 Family, 1 Individual)
Vera (1)
- W - (16 Families, 43 Individuals)
Warsap (5), Webb (5), Weier (4), Wetzel (1), White (4), Whiting (5), Whittington (2), Wildsmith (1), Willett (1), Williamson (3), Willoughby (1), Wilson (6), Wing (1), Wittig (2), Wondrock (1), Wynham (1)
- Y - (2 Families, 7 Individuals)
Yared (5), Young (2)
- Z - (1 Family, 4 Individuals)
Zoller (4)
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