Newspaper Art. - William Jeal
Tamworth Circuit Court
(Abridged from the Tamworth News.)
The above court was opened on Thursday last before his Honor Mr. Justice Stephen. Mr. C. G. Heydon prosecuted for the Crown. The only other barrister present was Mr. J. Garland, jun.
William Jeal was arraigned on a charge that, on the 8th January last, at Kelly's Gully, Warialda, he did, without her consent, ravish and carnally know Emily Jeal, his own daughter, now about 18 years of age. Prisoner pleaded not guilty, and was defended by Mr. J. Garland, jun., who was instructed by Mr. Colin J. Ross. The Crown Prosecutor stated that the prisoner had been misconducting himself with this girl for the past three years, and on the occasion mentioned in the indictment assaulted her in a cornfield, and was seen in the act by a younger daughter. Prisoner had frequently threatened the girl Emily that if she made any complaint he would take her life, but after another subsequent and unsuccessful attempt, she told her mother, who gave information to the police.
The arresting constable, Hill, and prisoner's daughters gave evidence. Mr. Garland then addressed the jury, the defence set up being that the girl was a consenting party. The Crown Prosecutor replied. The jury, after deliberation, returned a verdict of guilty, and the Judge concurring in the verdict, sentenced the prisoner to be hanged by the neck until his body is dead.
The cited information was sourced from Newspaper published by The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser on October 14th, 1890 <> This citation is considered to be secondary evidence, data officially recorded sometime after event.
description of the days proceedings.
Source Notes
This story is corroborated in various other newspapers (including the Sydney Morning Herald (11/10/1890 - William Jeal, of Kelly's Gully, near Warialda, convicted of assault upon his own daughter, Emily, aged 18, was sentenced to death. He was defended by Mr. J. Garland, instructed by Mr. Colin J. Ross.)